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ISA Security Compliance Institute Calls for Input on ISASecure Embedded Controller Security Assurance Conformance Specification

Written by IsaSecure | Dec 20, 2022 1:34:52 PM


Research Triangle Park, NC (8 August 2008) - The Technical Steering Committee of the ISA Security Compliance Institute is developing the Embedded Controller Security Assurance segment (ECSA) of the ISASecure conformance specification for industrial automation control systems (IACS). This specification is intended to provide assurances of secure characteristics in network connected IACS devices that monitor and control manufacturing processes in an industrial environment.

The ISA Security Compliance Institute is releasing this Call for Input to encourage a cross section of industry security experts to collaboratively create the Embedded Controller SA conformance specification. The specification will be constructed within the framework of the ISA99 Standard Foundational Requirements, will be measurable and testable and, establish the basis for the first ISASecure conformance tests for devices.

Interested parties are asked to notify the ISA Security Compliance Institute of their interest in contributing to the ECSA via email to Andre Ristaino at by 15 August 2008. Contact Andre Ristaino at to request a copy of the CFI.

The Call for Input document, containing deadlines and further detail, will be posted 04 August 2008 on the home page of ISA Security Compliance Institute website at For more information contact Andre Ristaino, Managing Director at 919-990-9222, or email

About the ISA Security Compliance Institute
Founded in 2007, the ISA Security Compliance Institute’s mission is to provide the highest level of assurance possible for the cyber security of industrial automation control systems. The Institute was established by thought leaders from major organizations in the industrial automation controls community seeking to improve the cyber security posture of Critical Infrastructure for generations to come.

The Institute’s goals are realized through industry standards compliance programs, education, technical support and, improvements in suppliers’ development processes and users’ life cycle management practices. The Institute’s ISASecure designation ensures that industrial automation control products conform to industry consensus cyber security standards, providing confidence to users of ISASecure products and systems and creating product differentiation for suppliers conforming to the ISASecure specification. Visit